Hey all, it’s been a couple of days and I missed my little space here on the Internet.
I’ve been taking care of my little one who wasn’t feeling too well (very devastating)
Anywho, yesterday baby girl was feeling great, so we decided to have family day.
Sundays are always reserved for family, whether it’s just Sekou Alani, and I, or Sunday dinner at Alani’s great grandma’s; either way we live for Sunday’s around here.
Yesterday we decided to take a trip toBattery park to experience their newly built Seaglass Carousel.
This was the best carousel I’ve experienced so far with Alani. Remember the one with the bugs at theBronx Zoo? She was NOT feeling it.
The psychodelic colors at the Seaglass were so appealing which is why I think she liked it. I loved it myself.
If you have children you should bring them. [Read more…]