Happy Halloween, from our little kitty!!!
Mommy Diaries
Last weekend we made it to the Green Meadows Farm Petting Zoo at Aviator sports again. You can see last years post here.
Next year I would really like to make it to a real pumpkin patch with a corn maze, and all that good stuff, because it’s been a while since i’ve been, and Alani hasn’t been yet.
however, If you’re like us, and don’t want to drive an hr out to visit a real pumpkin patch the Green Meadows Farm Petting Zoo at Aviator sports has you covered.
Either way, Alani had a good time, and my nephews enjoyed themselves as well.
Here are some picture
The Crew
Motherhood is great these days. My baby really isn’t a baby anymore, she’s talking so much more, we’re really having small conversations these days, I didn’t imagine this day coming so soon.
Because motherhood is “great” doesn’t mean that it’s all smooth. I’m still dealing with terrible two’s, the talking back, the no’s, the; doing the total opposite of what I just told you not to do, the screaming and fussing during car rides, yea all of that.
Or how about me, still making new mom mistakes. Like forgetting baby girls bathing suit for swimming. What parent leaves their child’s bathing suit home, especially when the child has been going to swimming classes faithfully every Saturday for almost 2 years?!. Yea, I do. Thank goodness we had swimming diapers lol.
I’m never ashamed at the mistakes I make, as humans it inevitable. Obviously I don’t have it all figured out, but the beauty of it all is that baby girl loves me regardless. You think she cared that she didn’t have her bathing suit?! nope, all she cared about was the fun she was about to have in that pool; and that right there is what makes motherhood so great, that secured love between parent and child.
Therefore, motherhood is great, mistakes and all, even when you’re battling terrible two’s.
I hope Parenthood is great for you all too. Don’t beat yourself up, we all make mistakes!!
LaLa thanks for giving me a high five to motherhood, so happy I get to have this experience with you.
This weekend we took a trip to Galerie Perrotin in the city.
I came across David Arsham’s “Circa 2345” exhibit via instagram, and from the looks of it it looked so nice. In person it looks even better. This exhibit gave me sports vibes, with all the different sports balls, the football jackets, basketball jersey’s, hockey masks, and baseball hats. The blue calcite crystal hrdyostone medium, makes the pieces look that more beautiful, by the looks of his pieces you can tell he dedicated lots of time and patience, they were all flawless.
The most popular part of his exhibit is the “Amethyst Sports Ball Cavern”, which is an expansions of his previous works exploring archaeology, fiction and the collapsing of time. That was my family’s favorite part.
While doing some research on Arsham, I was found out that he designed several Kith stores, including the one located on Flatbush, Downtown Brooklyn, and has been the designer for many other stores, and companies. This guy is pretty Dope.
I’m so glad we got to visit before the it was over, the last day is October 22nd, so if you’re in the area be sure to visit.
Here are some pictures from our visit. [Read more…]