Because I didn’t grow up with my grandparents living in the same country as me I really didn’t know how to coincide parenting and “grand parenting” together.
My mother always says I’m so selfish with Alani, lol and I might, because I honestly don’t know any other way. Growing up it was just my siblings and my parents, So my parents did everything with us, and usually Sekou and I do everything with LaLa . But lately especially since Alani is so vocal she’s says things like “I want to go to Grandma Kiva house, or I want to go to Grandma Joan house”. So, at that point I just call up her grandparents like hey your grand kid wants to come over. Recently, while we were en route to my parents house, and LaLa said mommy I want to go to Papa because he’s taking me to ride my bike, so to Papa’s we went.
I just want to say Alani’s grandparents are the real MVP’s, she is so loved, also so spoiled lol, but Love is Love right?! Her grandparents do any and everything for her and she loves and appreciates it them so much, and so do I, because every now and again a momma needs a break and her grandparent always go up and beyond to take over, and I truly love you all so much.
NO one has grandparents like LaLa’s I guarantee, I also might be a little bias.
And shout out to my WCW today Alani’s Glamma Kiva. How cute are they on their bikes in the picture above.
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