This was the last weekend to get our pumpkin picking on before Halloween. When I checked the weather last week I seen that Saturday was the only day out of the weekend that would’ve been decent for pumpkin picking.
We usually do most of our activities on Sunday, because we have swimming every Saturday morning, and LaLa is usually tired after so our Saturday’s are pretty calm; swimming, park, and a visit to Glamma and papa. Well this Saturday we added Pumpkin Picking to the list.
We usually go to the Green Meadow’s Farm at Aviator as you can see here and here. I like aviator, but this year I wanted to try somewhere else, so we visited the Schmitt’s Family Farm. I really like both places, if we could combine the two it’ll make the perfect pumpkin patch. I love that the Green Meadows farm at aviator is local, and very close to where we live, I also love the petting zoo. As for the Schmitt’s Family Farm, I love the activities that they have for the kids such as the train ride, bouncy house, slide, duck race etc. Either or the kids will enjoy, and LaLa had a blast. I love when she ends the day by saying “Mommy and Daddy I had so much fun”; and we look at each other like Mission accomplish, especially when she falls asleep before we can even pull out of the parking spot!!!
Halloween is tomorrow, so I guess this means we can now get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas next. In the meantime, check out our pictures below.
She is full of so much personality lol
She’s really such a daddy’s girl
Luckiest girl in the world… LALA!!!