Yesterday we got the chance to celebrate Ariah’s birthday.
It’s always a great time getting all the kids together to enjoy each others company.
Happy Birthday Again Ariah
Mommy Diaries
I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving yesterday like we did.
We got to spend the day with the people we love most.
I’m so thankful for family, love, happiness, health, wealth, creativity, I’m also so thankful for every single one of you who support me on my little space on the internet, and those who are always encouraging me, and inspiring me to do better.
How was your Thanksgiving, and what are you thankful for?
Also, thanks to Aunty Omi, and Maddie for LaLa’s outfit!
This past weekend, Lovedemitra’s Mommy Meet Up took place.
We went for story time at Barnes & Noble. I must say I am forever thankful for the mommies who continue to support my meet ups, I love you.
I am also very thankful for the love the children continue to share with each other it’s truly amazing seeing their relationships blossom.
Next Mommy Meet Up coming up really really soon, so be on the look out. In the meantime check out our pictures from our Mommy Meet Up below.
Lala Checking out the book Santana bought. They’re like little grown people.
Just look at them.
Thank you all for stoping by.
This past week Sekou and I went on a date. What, a Date?! usually we don’t make time to go out on dates, because we usually just have family dates with the little one in tow. This time we decided to leave the little one behind. We didn’t feel so bad, because she had a play date, that she couldn’t stop talking about. I think she had more fun at her play date than she would’ve had with us, so it worked out perfectly.
We visited Louis Vuitton’s ““Volez, Voguez, Voyagez exhibit you can get tickets from here. The exhibits retraces the House of Louis Vuitton from 1854 to the present. Thanks to Sekou for the pictures, Check them out below.
Every time I go the a museum or a gallery I leave inspired by something, and this ceiling left me feeling like I neeeed this in my future house omgoodness I love it soo much, so much that I’m printing it and adding it to my vision board.
Lala went to see Disney On Ice the other day with her cousins., and boy did she have a blast.
Anytime these four are together it’s pure fun, probably too much fun, which may cause a little running into strangers from blindness runs, there may have even been a few kicks to the back of the heads of the people sitting in front of us too. I should’ve probably gotten the lady some popcorn or something for the inconvenience. Oh the life of a mother with a wild toddler, You get the point!
Check them out below!