Lately Lala has been wanting to dress herself. This is going out clothes, and pajamas. I’m all for picking and choosing my battles, and I refuse to fight this one. Go on little girl, be free, be independent, be creative, lol. But, seriously, sometimes it’s just more easier for me to pick her outfits and hit the road, but she really just doesn’t want me to pick anything for her. I know this is a stage that many go through, as I’ve heard similar stories before, I just didn’t think it was this soon.
The other day before going to the museum, Alani said she wanted to pick her outfit, so i said okay go ahead, and what does she pick out?! a dress, yes a dress in 20 something degree weather, but she insist!!! so, you know what i let her wear it, just doubled up on the tights. do you boo!
Someone please let me know where my baby went, and return her while you’re at it. Oh, Lala I love you for being you, for being independent, determined, inquisitive, bossy, unique, loving(hence all the kisses she gives me when we’re taking pictures lol) and so much more don’t you ever change.
PS: I really don’t know why i greased Lala’s face so much lmao, but it just reminds me of when I was a kid and hated when my mother greased my face like this. In the winter we grease to keep the wind away, and prevent dry sky. I prefer a greasy face than a dry one, but one day I’ll master the median #MelaninProblems
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