A couple of weeks ago LaLa and I had one of our Mommy daughter dates. Alani really has been living for these one on one moments with just us two. Although she’s only 3, my best moments are when I’m with her. You really can learn so much from children if you pay close attention. They’re so honest, so determined, and so inquisitive. I really ask all the time, when did we lose that gift. The gift of being so honest, with yourself, with others? when did we lose the gift of being so determined? I’ve never met a more determined person than my kid. When she wants something, she’s is not going to stop until she gets whatever it is that she wants, and this is by ALL means necessary lol. And, the inquisition, when did we stop wondering, or being curious. We really need the minds of a toddler if you get what I’m saying.
Anyway, sometimes I can get a bit off track, but we really had an amazing time together. First we visited the National Museum of the American Indian (Isn’t the name of the museum a little weird “American Indian”?!?! To be honest Alani did not enjoy this museum at ALL. We literally stayed for about 20 minutes, if even. Thank goodness the Seaglass carousel is across the street, so our trip to the city wasn’t totally worthless. While we were on the carousel, and I was recording on my instastory, Alani goes ” hi guys, we’re on a date” Oh my goodness that really made my heart melt, I love that kid so much, I think you guys already knew that though, but the things that come out of her mouth are beyond this world. Below is a few pictures from our mommy daughter date.
Look at that face
Then we ended the night with dinner at one of our family favorites (Serafina)
Okay so let me tell you guys about this picture. I asked our waitress to take a picture for us, and Alani refused, she said “Mommy we’re not supposed to talk to strangers”, she really didn’t look at the camera at all LOL she’s taking this stranger thing a little too far now!!!Lawd.