This past weekend, we enjoyed out mommy meet up at the Cortelyou Library, they hosted what they called Summer Jam weekend.
This meet up is so special to me, this is the library I grew up in, the library my daughter comes to often for story time, and the one I just hosted my mommy meet up at…. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!
We were able to enjoy some arts and crafts with Melanie Hope Greenberg, we also had the time of our lives in front of the library with some good music, alongside musical chairs. You all may have seen it on my instastory, and live.
I want to thank all the mommies who came out, and continues to support this movement, I love you supermoms, can’t wait to see you all at the next one!
I love the mommy talks we have at these meet ups, we really have the best conversations, and give the best advice!!
Love this mommy son duo!
Love building relationships with people who I’ve met in other settings, (in Taquanna and I case that was work) who have become mommies, and we now get to build mommy memories together.
Love when the dads are active too. Don’t let the name “Mommy Meet Up’ discourage you, ALL are welcome; mom, dad, aunt, uncle, God Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa etc.
Heyyy Melanie, we meet again.
You can place your order for her books at your local bookstore.
Whoever finds my baby, please return her, because I don’t know
whose big girl this is.
Grandma Lady J came out for some fun too. She’s alwayssss a good time, and so much fun, and FUNYYY!!!
Until Next time, I hope to have another meet up pretty soon.