My baby girl is moving on up to Kindergarten. She’s excited, and mommy is a little sad that her baby is getting so big, so fast.
I must say that I am proud of how mature she’s gotten over this school year, and cannot wait to spend the summer with her and her sister, since mommy is on maternity leave.
Congratulations LaLa, the world is yours!!!
PS. It’s been a while since I’ve been here on my little corner on the internet, and I have so much I want to talk to you all about, like labor, trying at home remedies of induction, so the doctors wouldn’t have to induce me ( I think it actually worked), breastfeeding challenges, yes a lot. I missed you all.

Everyone always tells us that we’re great parents, but it would be impossible without our village. Every single person in this picture has helped us out in some way this school year. Shout outs to grandma Kiva who isn’t in the picture, but has helped us tremendously. We love our village, might have the best one yet.

Now a family of 4