Recently our new family over at Gryph & Rose reached out to us and sent us some gifts to try out.
We got the Poppin’ Bubbles, and the Knight in Armor Body Oil. I usually like to try products out a few times, so that i am able to give my honest opinion before I write a review.
I love that all of their products are formulated with the most effective, and natural ingredients for little ones. I have to say my favorite product was the body oil. I usually hate body oils, because it’s usually so oily, and doesn’t moisturize our skin just makes the surface look oily, but this one actually moisturized Lala’s skin. This is something we’ll definitely be using often.
Lala loved the bubbles, because what kid doesn’t. I like that a litlle of both of these products go a long way. So you don’t have to use a lot to get good result. I must also add that their products are pediatrician approved.
Thank you again to our Gryph &IvyRose Family