Being a parent of two is a different kind of parenting, it made me realize that one kid is easy two isn’t. Although it’s only been just about 7 weeks, it’s shown me a lot. For me I take time, love, memories and attention very serious when it comes to parenting, these are the things I believe kids remember in the future.
In these past few weeks I’ve learned that each kid need their individual attention as well as bonding time together. Having a newborn is so demanding, and it’s so easy to “forget” about the bigger sibling since they’re able to do so much on their own, and if their anything like Lala they know how to entertain themselves. I’m learning that I should try to spend as much frequent one on one time with Lala as I can. One day we had “Lala Day” (Sekou’s Suggestion), where we spent the entire day with just us and her, and boy did she love it, because if you know Lala you know she loves her some attention. We need to have more “Lala Days”. Like I said it’s only been a few weeks so we are still learning still winging it, send us to creative tips, and what works for you guys!
Day 2/31
You make it look so easy Tukie, and I couldn’t not imagine having 2 under a year old, wow!!
Winging it is the way to go, because eventually you develop your own techniques of parenting multiples. When I had Savanna Santana was barely a year old and girl was is hard having a small toddler and an infant, but somehow I was able to figure it out and the most important thing that you happened to mention is that they each need their own individual time. I enjoy my mommy son and mommy daughter time with each of them and they love it too. So like I said girl just keep on winging it because that’s working for you lol!!