Day 10

Mommy Diaries
During the last few months Alani has become obsessed with doing the monkey bars. I remember the first time she tried she became so agitated and upset because she was unable to do it. I remember having to show her one of my workout videos with me trying to do the monkey bars and falling straight on my ass, however I didn’t give up I kept trying and was able to complete the whole row after practicing.
Alani did not give up, no matter how frustrated she was, in true Virgo behavior she kept practicing and practicing until she perfected it. I kept telling her that she didn’t have to over do it, she would get blisters on her hands but would fight me to keep doing it. Well with all that practice on the small kids monkey bars she has now graduated to the big kids monkey bars!!! Lets all give a round of applause to Lala, we can all even learn a little something too; DON’T GIVE UP!!!
Also, check out our side by side video of us doing the monkey bars here
Look at her go!!!
Happy Breastfeeding week ladies. Okay y’all; brace yourself this might be a long post.
I’m not really sure where to start, but breastfeeding has always been a challenge for me. I remember with Alani I was adamant about breastfeeding, but little did I know; everyones body is different, and breastfeeding may be harder for some, and I was the “some” that it was hard for . I regret not doing the research prior to, I thought milk was just going to just be flowing, like it did for my sister, but nope, my milk didn’t start coming in until about day 6 with Alani, and then I remember only pumping like half an ounce when it did finally come, and I quit just like that, yup that easily, not knowing that with patience, consistency and time you’ll produce more.
This time around I said I’m going to try harder, and not give up so easily. Again for lil mama my milk didn’t come in till day 4, so we supplement fed her in the meantime. When my milk was coming in I remember being soooo engorged, it was the 1st time i’ve ever experienced engorgement, and it was sooo painful, like the worst pain; well after labor. I could barely lift my arms, on top of that I was still in pain from giving birth a few days prior. I was so over it, and really wanted to give up at that point, but I chose to push through. Within 2 days the engorgement decreased, and I started giving lil mama milk, and she was so good, and patient with me, she didn’t fuss when we were learning to latch on properly, but again I wasn’t producing what I believe to be enough milk, and she still seemed hungry after eating, so we continued to supplement, but I was giving her breastmilk and then formula. I would put her on, and then if she still seemed hungry I would give her the bottle.
Till this day I’m unable to pump enough to store, It maybe me and my inconsistency, but I tried the fenugreek supplments, the different beverages, coconut water, Body armor etc. It might be because I’m not pumping about every 3 hours like a lot of mothers do, well the ones I’ve spoken to, but I’m pushing through and trying.
I really commend you breastfeeding mothers, because this shit isn’t easy. How do you guys put the baby on your breast, change them, put them back to sleep, pump, feed the older sibling, try to make sure she enjoys her summer too and she’s not forgotten about, take her to the park, oh and not forget to take care of yourself. Breastfeeding really is another job in itself.
I feel like this post needs a part 2, because there’s so much I want to add but it’ll just be too long. I want to thank my cousin Krislyn who has been motivating, inspiring, and helping me with this journey; She has really been my lactation specialist from afar, she is partially the reason I didn’t give up yet, she would check on me often and sent me so many tips that helped. She also has twin newborns and a 3 year son herself, and she’s breastfeeding, and pumping, and just doing the damn thing, so she’s my motivation.
I would like to hear your breastfeeding story, I was surprised at how many people shared similar stories, it’s great to know that we’re all in it together!!! what’s some things that worked for, and what did you learn, share them in the comment section.