I Cannot believe how fast time is going. How am I about to have a 5 yr old, when I still feel 18??? Everyday Lala is asking me if it’s her birthday, she’s so excited about being a big girl. Being a 5 yr old to her is like the best thing ever, let her tell it, she cannot wait to be an adult. I be trying to tell her from now it’s a set up, but she thinks its the coolest thing ever to be able to do whatever you want whenever you want.
Anyway back to this 5 year old I’m about to have, she’s excited while i’m here like please turn back the hands of time, but in all honesty I couldn’t have asked for a better kid, she cares for those around her and is the most loving kid I’ve ever met, one of the most determined ( if that means doing the monkey bars over and over 15 times; she’s with it until she has mastered it). Lala is such a great example and big sister for little mama, couldn’t have asked for a better big daughter. Lala we all love you, so lets take on 5 like never before
And as we do every year, Day 1 of 31