Heard it was national daughters day?!
Mommy Diaries
Kindergarten, we’re coming for your neck, to conquer you with new ideas, new lessons learned, new vocabulary, new knowledge, excitement, and much more. LaLa is always ready to tackle anything new, and I know a new grade, and a new school isn’t any different; it’s me ya’ll have to worry about. I pray this year is a great one for us all!!!
When she seen her grandparents!!
It’s been a hectic few days, scratch that a hectic few weeks, but we made it. August 31st 2019, we celebrated LaLa’s Day, when I tell y’all she’s been waiting for this day for months, it’s no exaggeration. I’m glad she had the time of her life. For the past 4 years I planned her parties, but this year, baby girl had request, and they had to be delivered, She chose her theme, her dress, her hairstyle, homegirl EVEN had me make her playlist, with all her Tik Tok favorites, LOL, true virgo huh?!
Happy Birthday to the most amazing first child any parent can ask for, an independent, caring, loving, inquisitive, full of personality, and life little human. I hope you never change, even though you give your parents a run for their money, continue to be unapologetically you. Lets take 5 on by storm. You are destined for greatness, and I know because i’m your parent it may seem biased, but you’re so unique, a uniqueness i’ve never seen, or imagine someone so young can embody. I’m excited to just watch you blossom.
Everyone wish our baby a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!