Merry Christmas From Our Girls!!!

Mommy Diaries
This past weekend we had one of our biggest mommy meet ups to date. This was our first meet up since I had my little one. All the kiddies had a blast; they smiled, and laughed the entire time. I want to thank every single one of you mommies, and kiddies, for coming out and supporting the movement; I’m still in awe. We ended the year with a bang, and I’m excited to see where we go for the new year. I love you all, lets continue showering our kids with love, memories, and quality time; the things money can’t buy. Great job mommies.
Lala said she didn’t want to wear this hat, because it was gonna mess up her hair, LOL
Aunties come out too <3
My beautiful niece
One Queen, helping another Queen fix her crown.
Santana is usually the only boy at the meet ups, so happy he had another male friend to play with.
All the mommies, and aunties helping the kiddies
Thank you Kati for your continuous support over the past couple years.
The young ones learning from the older ones
These two <3
My Babies
My baby Zara, the other day she said “I’m a beautiful black girl with vitiligo”, OMG my heart melted!!!
Thanks for stopping by, leave a comment.
Have a great day!!!!
Mommy life of 2 is not easy y'all, but I'm trying my best at doing what i was put on this earth to do. I'm slowly but surely getting into a groove; slowlyyyyy, but still just taking it one day at a time. The hardest part for me is juggling everything.
Although it may not be easy I’m trying to make sure that Alani is feeling special, and thought of during our transition, so Mommy daughter dates are the best to help with that. The other day we went to an event at the Macy’s Story store for ‘Gift making with Rice Krispies Treats’. We really had a great time, and when we got home Alani said “Mommy I really like Mommy daughter dates with just us two”. My 5 year old still likes hanging out with me y’all. That was the sweetest thing, and with the lack of attention I’m glad during this time I was able to give her my undivided attention, without having to tell her to wait while tending to her sister. It’s all new for us, but God got us, we got this. So thank you Story for having us.
Check out some pictures below!!!
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Our finished project. Literally one of the cutest, and coolest events I’ve been to in a while.
Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the support. I hope that I can find time to blog more, because i’ve missed it so much. I Love You All.