Hey ya’ll, I hope all is well. We are all doing great on this side, and just trying to keep ourselves entertained, and busy, finding things to do like; Elephant toothpaste?!
Working from home, schooling from home, and taking care of kiddies is a task that aint easy, but we’re not complaining anymore, just making the best out of it.
Whenever I have any free time I try to spend some one on one time with Lala, because if ya’ll don’t already know she’ll Tik Tok all day and night lol, LITERALLY. So, today while Aleise was down for a nap, well for most of the experiment, we decided to try out this experiment. called the elephant toothpaste. If you have kiddies you should try it; It’s pretty much like a volcano but not too messy or explosive. I listed everything below. Look at how happy Lala is :).
What You’ll need
- A vase/ or glass container
- Peroxide
- Dish liquid soap
- food coloring
- Dried Yeast
- Warm water
- I didn’t use any specific measurements