As a family who goes out often, staying indoors could be a lot, especially for an active 5 year old. I remember when I was on maternity leave in the summer, I took Alani and the baby to the park literally everyyy single days, the only time we were home was when it would rain. Alani is a hot foot, so she’s never okay with not doing anything it’s always “so, what are we doing today?! she has to be out and about all the time
Yesterday we went out for a nice family walk, so everyonewas able to get some breeze, and was happy about it, Are you all getting out for fresh air, and vitamin D?
I cannot wait to see you all when all of tis is over, can’t wait for the mommy meet ups to come, I miss you all.
-Love Demitra

I pray this love, and this bond lasts a lifetime

Alani dressed herself, fancy little girl she is

Hope this week is a better week than the last for all of yoy.
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