And just like that a year and flown by. Happy 1st Birthday to our little baby, can’t believe time is going so quickly.
Aleise I love how much, you exude love, the way you wrap your hands around our necks, the way you smile first thing in the morning, or how you place my hand on your face to put you to sleep, the way you climb into your sisters bed, and place your face right on hers while she’s still asleep, the way you say “hi” every time you hear a Facetime call starting, or how you scream mama, mama all day, the way you stare at your sister, and watch her every move, they way you start dancing as soon as Lala does, how you throw your head back smiling so shyly, the list is never ending; we just love all of you.
I want you to know that you’re loved, yesterday, today, and everyday. In a world that’s so crazy, and scary to share you with, just know that you have a team of loved ones, who is there to support you through whatever, a team of loved ones who are there to protect you, and ensure that you have all the tools to get through life, you’ll never be alone, and we won’t ever make you feel that way. Here’s to love, and many more birthdays!!
We Love You Miniloo!!!

Thank you!!
She Loves You!!!
Happy birthday beautiful 🍭🎂🍦🎈
Miniloo is the absolute best and these pics are perfect, too. We love love love her to infinity… happy first revolution around the Earth’s Sun sweet one. Papa and I hope you stick around for 100 more… xoxo