Turning 30 has me feeling so renewed, so grown, so sexy, just all the good things. I am ready to take on this new chapter in life and so excited to see what’s to come, because everything just feels so right; right here, right now.
The other night I celebrated my birthday early with some of my sisterfriends. Let me tell you about my sisterfriends; growing up I always had a lot of friends, and throughout the years I’ve maintained just about all of my friendships; and the ladies you see in this picture are most of them, the ones I hold so close to my heart. These girls really bring out the best in me. They’re always there celebrating me, encouraging me, and praying for me. It’s so hard to find the words to explain the kind of bond I have with each and everyone of them, but I will say that every girl deserves true friendships like this; filled with love and loyalty, whether it be 2 girlfriends or a gang (gang gang lol).
The other night hearing all of my friends share their favorite memory of me, had me in tears, and laughter. You really never know how much you impact the people around you, just for being yourself, being a pure soul, being genuine, and giving love. I say all of this to say – Give Love y’all; always, it goes a long way.
A few pictures from dinner, I couldn’t pick which pictures I liked best, so y’all getting all of them!
Also dinner at Lamia’s Fish Market was such a vibe, y’all should definitely check out. Super cute for date night.

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