Last week I spent a few of hours reading my friend, my twins book “Trust The Process”. Although I’ve heard the story before, there were so many things I didn’t know, and it really felt as if I was hearing the story for the first time. While reading all I kept saying was “Twin lives such an exhilarating life” like wow you’re really out here taking risk, going full throttle. In High School we would always say “Have Faith”, and to see twin really just out here putting her best foot forward, not knowing what the outcome may be, but having faith that she would be led through the roads to success is amazing, and so inspiring to see.
Deijha, visited my fathers hometown-Ghana, and decided that she was going to move there to start her food truck business (Deijha Vu’s Jerk Hut), and she really did it. So many trials and tribulations, many that would have discouraged most, but Deijha continued to trust the process, and did what she set her mind to.
I love how she gave insight on every step, and was so vulnerable to the readers. One thing about twin she’s not going to hold out on information if she thinks it’ll benefit someone. She’ll tell you what factory she went to, to have her food truck built, what facebook group she was in to find staff; everything. She really is the epitome of, what’s for you is for you, and won’t miss you, even if we’re in the same field. Purchase the book y’all, it’s a quick read, and so worth it. Let me know what y’all think

Yes! Yes! Yes!