Is anyone as excited about summertime as me?! Also, does anyone else make a calendar of events for the family? I have a list of things I want my family and I to take part in this summer, since outside is opennnn; We outsideeeee. We have to make up for last years tragedy. I’m excited for Sekou and I to make life long memories with the kiddies, to hang out with family, and friends, and just do things we haven’t done before.
This past weekend the girls and I met up with my sister friends; Ariel and Widza, and their daughters. We had a fun filled day at the Brooklyn Bridge park. We went to the playground, got pizza from Grimaldi’s ( it was my first time having it) went on the carousel, and finished off with Ice Cream; well we actually went to the girls Great Grandma’s house for a BBQ after. We such had an eventful day, and these are the kind of days I’m looking forward to for summer. What kind of summer are you all manifesting- eventful, or relaxing, or both?

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