This past weekend we visited Coney Art Walls for a 112 concert. Coney Art Walls is an outdoor museum of street art curated by Joseph J. Sitt & Jeffrey Deitch. it’s where streett artist are able to showcase their art on freestanding walls throughout the section a section in Coney island. I usually visit Coney island for the amusment park, but it was nice to have a different experience this time.
During the summer they’re hosted concerts. I believe every week there’s a different artist that performs. Last weekend it was 112. Tickets started at $50. I would definitely recommend going if you want a nice vibe. it was R&B night when we went, and the DJ’s played all the old schools songs, and if you know me you know I love me some R&B. 112 performance was blah, but their catalog made up for it. After the concert we walked the boardwalk, and got on a roller coaster. I cannot believe that they convinced me to get on the Thunderbolt, go look at the picture lol, the thrill level is extreme. I don’t even do roller coasters, but I have to say overall I rate this day 10/10.

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