I recently celebrated my 31st birthday. This year for my birthday I said I wanted to just relax; no big birthday dinner, no brunch just relaxation. Being a mom of 2, a fiance relaxation seems something of the past, but for this new year I want to make resting more of a priority. Sekou decided to take me to a little staycation. I was able to really rest not have to wake up make breakfast, take care if anyone just whatever I wanted. I participated in a full moon ceremony, and yoga, just up my alley. The hotel also had these personalize sauna’s love love love. We also went to dinner, I lowkey had a mini photoshoot in the room, thanks to the convenient self timer option on my camera.
Writing about this experience, I’m ready for another one already. Needless to say this birthday was different, and I loved it. I’m looking forward to more rest, and more gentleness this year. Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

Also, I want to thank you all for the birthday wishes! I love you all so much
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