Happy Happy Birthday to our first born. The most sweetest, smartest, confident, loving, funny, active, activeeee 8 year old ever. One thing about Lala she loves celebrating her birthday, and she’s so excited to be 8. She’s literally been waiting on this day since September 1st 2021 lol, no exaggeration.
Sekou and I are so thankful to be her cool parents, as she calls it. Cannot believe we’ve been doing this parenting thing for 8 years, and doing a damn good job too. Lala, Daddy and I love you so much. We’ll forever be in your corner motivating you, and supporting you in all that you want to achieve. Continue to be curious and ask questions, continue to love with all of your heart, continue to work hard at everything you want, like learning how to do a handstand and walk all by yourself by just practicing; now that’s dedication. Now lets celebrate 8 and Tik Tok dance our hearts away!!!!

Great Eight🎉🎉🎉 the best everrrrrrr!!!! Alani keep going!!!