Last month we celebrated Lizzy’s 3rd birthday. We decided to celebrate by Jane’s Carousel in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Jane’s Carousel offer birthday packages, or you can do like we did and use the nearby benches, and purchase tickets for the kiddies; tickets are $2 a ride.
I love that both of our kids birthdays are during the summer, because it’s usually so easy to plan a celebration and a lot more options. Last year it rained for Lizzy’s celebration, and this year was no different. I was so damn annoyed because we had to postpone her birthday celebration due to rain, and then it only rained for about an hour, in the morning too. Dear weather app, you’ve failed me. Either way, Lizzy had the time of her life, and I just love that for her. When you don’t have a care in the world, and nothing else matters but happiness, and laughter, yup that’s living. We all need to get back to that childlike joy, we’d be a lot more stress free. Anywho, check out some pictures from that day, just look how happy she is.