Whether you’re a stay at home mom, or a working mom, in my eyes you are fabulous either way.
So death to all the mommy wars!
I’m a full time working mom, and it’s not easy being away from my daughter 8 hrs a day (That’s a lot of time). I feel it’s necessary for me to work harder at spending quality time with her, whether I had a 2hr night of sleep, a long annoying day at work etc. my daughter deserves to spend time with mommy. I am thankful that I have a pretty flexible job, so I am able to go into work early, and still have the rest of the day to spend time with my daughter, so as soon as I get off from work I am rushing home to my daughter, and on my off days I don’t want to anything that doesn’t involve my daughter (so friends, when I say I don’t want to hang out please understand that I’m being a mommy)
I remember being pregnant and people asking me if I was going to go back to work after I had the baby. When I told them yes, I had some people straight critiquing, and giving me their yet again, unsolicited advice.
Telling me that my baby needed me at home and that I shouldn’t go back to work. Saying that a 3 months leave from work isn’t enough. Telling me things that I ALREADY knew, “You won’t ever get these times back” (don’t you think I’ve thought of that).
Sometimes it’s other pregnant mothers criticizing you for going back to work. Rubbing it in your face that they’re going to stay home with their child, and they’re lucky they’re not going to miss any milestones.
Sometimes it’s women who aren’t even mothers, saying what they’re going to do when they decide to have kids (Yea, come back to me when you have a child)
Women give each other enough criticism, I think we should empower one another and stop constantly trying to tear each other down.
I believe we can all learn from one another, and we should practice that.
Personally for me it’s a sensitive topic, because it’s a hard decision to make having to go back to work and leave my daughter. It’s really hard for me especially, because I am a control freak, and I want things to go my way, or even the thought of her becoming more attached to her baby sister than me.
One thing I am so thankful for is being blessed to have many family members who can babysit, such as my mom, Sekou’s mom or grandmother because that would be another story having to put her in child care with someone I don’t know too well (I could only imagine how hard that could be). [Read more…]