Okay, if you’re an expectant mom or future mom looking for the beautiful optimistic labor story this is the WRONG post. Let’s just say I didn’t have the heartfelt, peaceful “I felt one with my baby” story, it was more like torture, screaming blue murder; this was the day I’ve witnessed true agony, but I promise you it was worth every scream, every cry, it was beautiful, how could so much pain and suffering bring such love, that I couldn’t even explain with words, it was the most beautiful experience (in the end) ever!
Now let’s rewind back to my 40 weeks checkup, everything has gone well throughout my pregnancy up until I heard the words, “if she doesn’t come out on her own between today and when you reach 41 weeks, we’re going to have to induce you” huh?! Induce me what is that, I’ve done all kinds of research throughout my pregnancy but induction… I happened to miss that section of possibilities. The good thing was that I was 2cm already, so there’s hope. After that appointment I got home, and my mucus plug came out, although my doctor told me I didn’t have to come back until I was feeling contractions, or my water broke, but being a new mom I just knew it was time. So I went to hospital, and was sent back home, the doctors told me it wasn’t time. My partner and I went home and did everything to get her out, we walked we walked we walked, we had lots of sex, yoga, more walking, and nothing, before I knew it, the 41st week was approaching, and quickly. All I wanted was for my daughter to come when she was ready, not when anyone else thought she should be.
41st week
So it’s August 28th, and it’s the day of induction, after all the google search, and horror stories I read, I was scared out of my mind, thinking of all of the possibilities made me nervous, and anxious. Thankfully I had and still have the biggest support system there is, I had my partner, my mom my sister, my two best friends, his mom, my brother (VIA FaceTime), and a lot more family members (no one wanted to miss the birth, of all of our pride and joy).
After 2 induction medicines (Cervidil, and Pitocin), an anesthetic pain reliever (epidural), 3 long excruciating hours of pushing, grunting, countless screams, cries, and almost 3 days in labor, my beautiful baby girl was here, it was the most emotional, lovely, surreal, beautiful, and every other word in the dictionary that describes amazing, experience ever. She was so peaceful, she didn’t even cry, it was just simply magical. I cried, I cried, we cried, the room cried, tears of happiness and joy. The day was finally here, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I promise you it was worth it all, it truly was. I’d do it again, as crazy as it sounds.
I hope all of you expectant moms have a less painful experience, but remember the prize at the end.
I love reading other peoples labor stories. Three days in labor just to get a c-section?! I could not imagine circumcision, sounds so painful. But the end result is ALL worth it, and we all have stories to tell.
Wow well I was in labor for 3 days and in the end had a csecrion that granted me a 3 day hospital stay as per protocol now I woke up 6 am with what felt worse then my normal Braxton hicks (I knew because usually I can sleep right through the them ) but not the morning of May 19 .( mind you I was given to different due dates one for May 25 that date was given to me when I first took the pregnancy test at Kings county my second due date was May 15 ) so of course I’m thinking omg this or it I can’t tell u the countless times I packed that hospital bag over and over waiting for this day and finally it came (so now my mom warned me to have a light breakfast in case I had a long delivery because after u are admitted no food can be consumed well I was into much pain to eat and through out my pregnancy I hated eating in the mornings . So I wake my husband up and I said I think it’s time and he bout nearly lost it he was freaking out .fast forward we are at the hospital and I get examed to see if I was dialated I was only one centimeter so they induced ( and boy was that pitocin hell) being that I was having a boy I had different worries then what u had with Alani because well boys they get CiRCUMSIZED !!! And I couldn’t bear the fact that they were going to snip my baby and on top of it that he would feel every bit of it and to top it off they don’t allow parents to be into the room or watch the procedure . So like you I did all my research but I some how missed induction . In the end after 2 days had passed and I was still on pitocin I could not dialate past 4cm so on that third day I welcomed my son by c section
Your story brought me back to the happy place literally was in the moment it’s crazy how scary and amazing child bearing is and what’s even more crazy is the realization us women get after it all we realize the true meaning of unconditional selfless love we know all those things our parents said are true .I feel it is then when we become more aware of being better people for our little people