These days Alani has been becoming such a daddys girl.
She’s reaching for him when I’m holding her, and now she prefers him to hold her when we’re out and they’re strangers. The other morning she woke up said good morning (well she waved; that’s her way of saying good morning and goodnight, she’s too smart I tell you) and she reached straight for daddy, like mommy wasn’t standing there too.Yesterday while walking out the house, in the middle of walking down the steps she reached out for daddy to take her, and wanted mommy to hold the bags and car seat.
But you know what, I absolutely love it. I think it’s the cutest thing ever, coming from a daddy’s girl herself.
It makes my heart so happy to see how they love one another, and I know it gets better here on out.
I hope they have this relationship forever, and I know they will.
Here’s to all the daddy and daughter relationships!
25 more days till the big 1!
Haha. Boys always end up being mamas boy, So you don’t have anything to worry about!
Actually Santana is very much a daddy’s boy, and that didn’t start to happen until I went back to work; and I must be honest, I was so jealous for a while. But as Santana gets older and of I get wiser as a mother, I realize he had his own special bond with each of us. But secretly I still want to be his favorite lol!!!!