Remember that time we did a cake smash photo shoot for Alani? (see that here), well you too can do a cake smash photo shoot for you soon to be one year old. I made a list just for you.
First what is cake smash photoshoot?
-It’s the idea that your child has never had cake before, so to celebrate their first year of life you give them cake for the first time, and capture the beautiful moment on camera.
Now the simple steps to have a successful shoot.
Materials: Vinyl (optional), paper streamers, balloons, confetti, cake, and any other decorations or props you wish to use, we bought most of our decorations from Party City , and the other stuff were things that we already had, like her chaise chair, and piano.
- You’ll need an empty space/wall (for us we cleared an area), we had vinyl so we used that as our backdrop. If you don’t have vinyl that’s fine just skip to step 2.
- We then added the streamers to the back of the vinyl/wall for a more fun and colorful background.
- We had a few balloons filled with helium that we taped to the floor, and we blew up the rest by mouth to put all around the floor.
- We also used this fluffy thing, and taped it to the ceiling (we had to add a piece of string to it so it can hang lower).
- you’ll need a cake.
I made this cake all by myself like I said the last time, thank you YouTube. I watched this video the video doesn’t show what to do after you finish baking it. After I let the cake cool down I put frosting around the entire cake before I started piping. Don’t worry if the roses aren’t perfect it will still turn out great. I used a 6″ cake pan. This was really Alani’s first time having cake, she took handful bites, thank goodness she didn’t have a stomachache the next day!
- And last but not least you’ll need your beautiful baby.
- Oh yea! I almost forgot you’ll need help from others to help entertain your baby while you’re taking pictures, and LOTS and LOTS of patience.
And that’s it!!!
This shoot cost me no more than 30$
And that’s all folks.
I got Alani’s beautiful dress from here
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