With all the cuteness; round bellies, glowing faces, and growing body parts you’ve always wanted comes all the scary thoughts that may come to your mind during pregnancy.
Before pregnancy you may not think of all that goes into it. Now you have to take of yourself and your growing baby. You have to make sure you’re eating right, not lifting heavy things, because at any sudden moment anything can happen.
You’re anxious to reach that 2nd trimester because that’s usually the safe zone. Miscarriage isn’t so common, and a lot of exciting things happen, like seeing your baby’s growth during ultrasounds, learning of your baby’s sex etc.
Then there are those anxious moments when you have to take blood, and wait until your next appointment for the results. You can’t wait to hear those words that everything is fine.
I remember going for a check up and my doctor saying oh I can’t find the heart beat. My heart dropped “what the hell you mean you cannot find the heartbeat”, until I heard the thumps of love and the doctor said she was just positioned on the other side, whew I had a mini heartache there.
I also remember when I went for my 20 weeks check up, and we had the anatomy ultrasound check, (that’s when they check all of your babies limbs, and organs, to make sure that they are growing okay). my doctor said she likes to check everything first, and then let the parents know everything after. I remember this ultrasound taking forever, and i’m just lying there, hoping that everything on that screen is perfect. The doctors face was so serious, I couldn’t tell if that meant good or bad things.
I was so relieved when she said everything was okay and asked us if we wanted to know the sex. I was even more ecstatic when she told us it was a girl (A mini Demi is all I need).
After you go through all those sonograms, praying for your child to be fully developed before making her debut, you have to worry about labor. Now you know I didn’t have the best labor story. If you’re interested or an expectant mom and you’re brave enough, read it here.
Some mommies don’t even make it full term, and have their babies premature. Some mothers like myself, go past their due date, and have to be induced.
And that’s not all, after the baby is here, it’s like you all of a sudden get this nervous feeling about being a good parent, and spending the rest of your life caring for another human being.
To some it all up, there’s so much that goes into pregnancy and after birth. There’s so much more than the cute round bellies, glowing faces, and growing body parts you’ve always wanted.
Ps: Picture courtesy of Victoria Lee
Yea, you said it best!
Thanks to God, I had an easygoing pregnancy but my biggest fear as it got closer to the due date was that i wouldnt be able to handle the huge responsibility of being a parent. It takes patience, commitment, energy, and compassion all at the same time! Long story short, when I gave birth all of the tools I needed to be a great mom for Ivory naturally started to manifest on its own. The loving connection you feel just makes you want to be the best for your little person and it only gets better with practice 🙂
Yes!! I always played music for Alani too, and she loves music till this day!
When i was pregnant after 12am he would be the most active! So i always played a Beres Hammond mix, its almost 2hours long, and he would relax! Even when he was born, i played it on rough nights and it smooth him on out! #CherishTheMoments
I couldn’t imagine the anxiety. And having to wait 40 weeks for everything to be CERTAIN, just seems so long. Congratulations on baby number 2, hope it’s a girl!
And to think, none of this was a thought before pregnancy. So happy that Maddie is healthy and beautiful!
Before having Santana I had two miscarriages, and I remember I got pregnant with Santana like six months after the 2nd miscarriage. I was so scared but happy at the same time, I missed like a week of work because I needed to hear my doctor say everything was okay. And it’s so funny because with this 2nd pregnancy I’m more relaxed, less scared in a way.
Loved this! Being a new mommy, Ive realized that pregnancy is honestly the hardest part. I had a pretty rough one from begining to start. At about 12 weeks I spotted and thought I was going to lose the baby which completely freaked me out. Once that went away I found out I had a shortened cervix at about 22 weeks and was put on bed rest. Then my little princess made her early debut at only 33 weeks. Now labor was perfect for me, it was quick and straight to the point (I guess God realized id already been through enough). But yes, pregnancy you constantly think about all the “what ifs”. Once the baby is here and you can finally count ten tiny toes & ten tiny fingers there’s a certain sanity that you regain.