So for a couple of weeks now Alani has been off the walls, I mean like terrible two’s off the walls; keep in mind we still have about 7 more months until she’s officially 2.
Anywho, it can be very stressful. The; no don’t do that, put that back, don’t throw all the books off the shelves, don’t take all the clothes out of the drawers, no running at FULL speed, no running at all, no you cannot eat all of your Popsicles, the list goes on. However, it’s so cute when she says “I wan ice” meaning her icey 😉
Now she’s at this stage when she hears the word “no” the world has just come to an end, this consist of crying, more like screaming at the top of her lungs, nonstop until she gets what it is that she wanted. It’s a constant battle of do I stick to my word, or just give her what she wants and put us both at ease with silence. She constantly wins because that crying can drive the most patient person crazy, but then it’s like I just taught her that all you have to do is cry whenever you want something, and that’s the last thing you ever want to teach your child.
Have you ever seen that child in the store crying on the floor because they couldn’t get what they wanted. Oh, I pray to give that parent the patience, because I could only imagine.
sometimes I give her that look your parents gave you when you were about to do something you knew you shouldn’t be, yea that look, and sometimes it works, sometimes I have to laugh at myself (of course not in front of her) because I never even imagined myself being the disciplinary parent.
Sometimes I have to pick my battles like should I stop her from throwing all of her socks out of her drawer, or just let her continue , because in 5 minutes she’ll probably be trying to do something not safe, and there’s no picking or choosing my battle at that point.
I’ve been trying to understand this stage, because it seems like a stage a lot of kids go through. So, while researching I learned that the ‘terrible two’s’ is the stage when the child is mobile, learning self awareness, and language, and during this stage the child is learning to be in control. And that right there is the problem for me ‘control’ Alani really thinks she’s in control, and that everything she wants she gets, she thinks everything is hers, and no one should touch it.
Once she understands that mommy is in control, and what mommy says goes, her life and mine would run so smoothly, but it’s a constant battle with her. A battle we’re still fighting.
I don’t have much advice for those going through this stage, but what gets me through is A LOT of deep breaths, and constant mantra’s of ‘please give me the patience, please give me the patience”
Has your child experience the terrible two’s stage, filled with tantrums and unruly behavior? what are some of your stories, and how do you get through?
Lol, well at least we’re not alone. I have some of them recorded just to show her in the future.
I had to laugh at this post because I swear I’m going through the SAME thing. Ivory is about to be 18 months going on 18 years. She’s always testing boundaries and throwing tantrums and it can call for a lot of “wooosaaaasss” lol. She loves to scream YES when I tell her no. And everything in the house is hers . She doesn’t even want to let me hold the book when I’m reading to her smh. I think she’s just seeing what she can get away with and what actions get the best reactions. Funny thing is that she only does this with her immediate family so I think they are very much aware of who to try it with. I think Im gonna records some of these tantrums to show her; later on it would be funny
Wow 9, months he must be really advanced!
My child is going through the same thing and he’s only 9 months. I take deep breaths and pray. He’ll cry and 2 seconds later he’s doing something else