It’s been quiet over here on the blog for the past week, but i’m back!!
During this weekend my brother and I took Alani to an indoor soccer field.
As most of you know soccer is something that my whole family has participated in. My dad played when he was younger, and got my siblings and I into it since we were able to walk. My brother was the only one who took it serious, he took it as far as playing professional football.
Alani is always watching my brother, when he’s kicking the ball in the house (which my mother has been getting on him about since he was a kid), even when he’s working out, she follows everything he does, so we knew it was time to have her explore the sport.
I’ve been looking for a place to take her to have fun, and kick her soccer ball around, and I finally came across this indoor soccer place called soccerrus. They had open play so we took advantage. It was snowing so we had the entire place to ourselves.
Alani had so much fun, running around the entire field, kicking balls in the goal with her uncle. There was a bouncy house that we took full advantage of, and the she loved the motor cars.
I think this it about to be our new home. Soccer registration soon perhaps.
Check out their website, they offer so many things, such as soccer classes, party packages etc.
And also thanks to my brother for catching all these amazing in the moment pictures!!
Following her uncle
Okay uncle, kick the ball in the goal
Having an active 1 year old means mommy has to get in shape!!
Look how cute she is (Clearly I am obsessed with my child)
That’s all folks, have a great week!!!
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