Yesterday we visited 29Rooms, I’m not exactly sure how you’d describe it other than 29 rooms of different art experiences, some interactive, some intriguing, but all unique and inspirational.
We took our daughter with us, which might have been a bad idea, because Alani, Patience, and waiting on line just doesn’t mix to well together. However, she really did enjoy herself minus the few explosive episodes. This morning while going through pictures for this blog post, she said “Mommy I want go back there” lol
Although today is the last day for this experience you can check out my pictures below and also check out their page from the link above. I’m going to try to get a little better about announcing events and shows I plan on attending or think you all will enjoy before it’s over, so we can all experience the fun.
Happy Monday Folks, thanks for stopping by!!
This picture really depicts both of our personalities to the T!!
I think everyday, at least twice a day I ask whose kid is this, because she so cool, so energetic, and has so much personality. I swear we never stage any of this !!!
Alani was the one who requested we stop at this room. We even had a little pillow fight at home; because I was desperate at the time that I made the promise to her.
Okay, so each room has some what of a time limit because, there’s about one too many people waiting on line to check out the room, and take pictures, and of course a pile of pillows just seems like so much fun, and who wants to leave?! lets just sleep, have pillow fights, and do it all over again. Well we didn’t have unlimited time, and Alani didn’t want to leave, and I just felt another tantrum coming along, so I kind of promised her a pillow fight when we got home. And, just when I was tucked into bed and ready to prepare for Monday she remembered, “Mom lets have a pillow fight” lol oh, Motherhood I tell you, don’t you ever make promises you can’t keep, even when you’re desperate lol.
“The Future Is Female” They won me over with that title!!