If your child is anything like mine then they love them some YouTube. Before Alani was born I told myself that she wasn’t going to watch television the 1st year of life, and that the gadgets weren’t going to introduced till later (whatever late meant). Later really became more sooner than later, if you understand what I’m trying to say.
Although Alani isn’t really a big fan of watching television shows, she loves her some YouTube. I really need to monitor her more on this YouTube because a lot of times she tells me things, and I’m like what where did you learn this from. Don’t worry guys it’s Kids YouTube but still. For example for months she has been telling me that she wants to go to Chuck E Cheese, and I’m like what do you know about Chuck E Cheese, and she simply goes “YouTube” lol
Well we had a birthday party this weekend, and finally made it. I have to say it was all what Alani hoped for.
Happy Monday Folks!!