Happy Mother’s Day to all of us superhero’s, because that’s what we are right?! Motherhood isn’t easy, but I hope with all that we do today can be a great one. I just want to say that I love you all, and many of you have inspired, and guided me into the mother I am today.
Check out my appreciation for a few mothers who has helped me become the mother I am.
Happy Mother’s Day to Grandma Lady J. Wish to only be half the mother she is.
Shout outs to my sister for always playing the big sister role so well. Literally my 2nd mother.
I’ll forever thank you for being the strongest person in the delivery room with me. Holding my leg, having a smile on your face and encouraging me for those 3 hrs. Best Mid Wife ever lol.
Happy Mother’s Day to my mother in law Kiva Waters.
Thank you for bringing so much joy in our lives. Really one of the funniest people I know. The glamma who takes her grandkid to Toys R Us every other week, even on her own birthday.
Happy Mother’s Day Omi.
It’s always great to have someone to talk about the ugly truths about motherhood with, thanks for being that person for me. Also, I forever commend you for your strength in motherhood.
Happy Mother’s Day Bee.
You probably don’t even remember this, but thank you for all those text messages leading up to my delivery, cause you knew how anxious I was, thanks for giving me those encouraging words. I will forever hold them close to my heart. Also, Thank you for Asiya, she’s a gift to us all!!!
Happy Mother’s Day Doni.
You got it double time!! Double the blessings too.
Happy Mothers Day Malika
Happy Mothers Day Widza!!
Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Glad we get to do this together
Happy Mothers Day Ms. Makeisha.
I don’t know if I can say it enough, but thank you for EVERYTHING, the list is never ending.
Happy Mother’s Day Tenia.
Forever thank you for those box of homemade cookies you shipped me all the way from NC, while I was pregnant.
And to all of you amazing mommies. Thank you for putting these smiles on your child’s faces, it’s the moments, and how you made them feel in those moments that they will forever remember. Keep up the great work!!!!
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