Okay these are the last of our pictures from Belize. I hope to visit again very soon, probably within the next two years.
How beautiful is my grandma, Cannot believe she’s 82. Also, this trip made me feel like i missed out on having a relationship with my grandparents, because they’re so far away. That too will change <3 Look at Lala loving up on her. One thing about Lala is she has this charm about her that’ll make everyone in her presence feel so loved.
Kids painting at the resort
I’m really not that funny lol
Kisses for mommy.
That shiny shoulder really was sun burnt, for all the black people who don’t think they need to wear sunscreen, this is what happens. I lathered Alani in sunscreen, and forgot all about myself.
Alani Really is going to be a better cook than me. She cooks with my mom everyday that she’s with her. She really looks like a pro kneading that dough
We took this little plane back to Belize city from San Pedro, this was my second time flying on a little plane like this, and it wasn’t a bad experience at all. i thought I was going to feel every movement, but it was such a smooth ride thank You Maya Island Air
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