It really feels as if she grew overnight, and I cannot take it!!!
4 more days till the big 5!!!
Mommy Diaries
It’s been realll quiet over here. Some how our picture a day hasn’t been happening, but we have a bunch of pictures below of LaLa. She’s been living life, and enjoying her summer break, and we have about 5 more days till the big 5!!!
Look at those muscles!
I live for that smile!!!
This summer Lala has mastered the monkey bars, and has now graduated to flipping upside down on them!!! She’s so brave!
We had a few playdates, and sleepovers with SiSi
we visited the aquarium, as we do every year
Enjoyed Winthrop’s annual block party!
Enjoyed doing cartwheels all day everyday, literally!!
Lala also learned how to swing herself, cannot believe how big, and mature she’s becoming.
Look at my big girl!!!!
We were a unicorn on the train one day lol
Look how happy she is to be at the dentist, I pray all of her dentist visits are this exciting
Alani has this new thing where she doesn’t want anyone to pick out her clothes. If there’s anything I learned about parenting is to pick and choose my battles, and I’m not fighting this one (well sometimes). She literally picks out her outfit, her shoes, and accessories, don’t forget the accessories, even if that means mommy’s sunglasses, lol. Oh Lala, I love your independence!
19 more days till the big 5!!!