This New year i’m on my Marie Kondo lol, only engaging in things, and associating with those that bring me joy. I am so excited for what the new year has in store. I have so many personal goals that I am working on. Continuing my journey of a healthy lifestyle, and being more consistent than ever is one. Focusing more on my photography business (follow my photography page on instagram) specifically on editing, so if you know of any courses, or any teachers let me know. I also want to work on my organization, and not just winging everything lol.
This year I bought a planner; well honestly I buy a planner every year, but never use it consistently, but I’m trying to change that. So now every Sunday for the past 3 Sundays I sit down and plan my week, I cannot believe I wasn’t doing this from before, because why wouldn’t my life seem so chaotic without planning and organizing, especially being a mom, a fiance, a friend, on top of working, and everything else. I’ve been literally writing down all the things I have to do, laundry, grocery shopping, any other errands, doing my hair, the kids hair, everything, and I gotta say I love it here. I am praying for discipline and consistency. This upcoming week I want to meal prep, and work out at least 4 times. I’m actually planning on renewing my gym membership this week, so letsss gooo.
Wow I’m really just rambling, but you know when you’re excited to just get your whole life together you can’t stop talking about it? And, plus me writing it here kind of makes me feel like I definitely have to hold myself accountable.
What are some things you all want to work on this year that’ll bring you joy? Also, send some healthy meals you all like to eat, and don’t forget the healthy snacks, because me!!! I love me a snack lol.
Happy New Years again my loves. Speak to you soon!