This weekend we went to see The Very Hungry Caterpillar show. The show tells the store of four of Eric Carle’s famous stories; “The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse, Mister Seahorse, The Very Lonely Firefly and of course The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. Brown Bear, Brown Bear and 10 Little Rubber Ducks were also featured
Let me tell you the production is amazing, there’s about 75 creative puppets throughout the show. All the stories were told so nicely; It’s like having the book read to you in performance form (if that makes sens) Alani’s favorite story was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, we’ve literally read that book over a hundred times if I had to guess. Had Alani taken a nap before I think she would’ve enjoyed the show 10x more, because she was getting restless at some point, but we made it through the entire show.
I would definitely take my kid if I were you, it’ll be a great experience. You can get your tickets here. I also love how intimate the theater is, so wherever you sit whether it’s front row or in the back you’ll still have a great view. Let me know if you go and If you enjoyed.
Thank you again to the Very Hungry Caterpillar show for gifting my family I the tickets can’t wait to come back. All the best with the remaining of the shows.
One of the winners from the giveaway. Look at that smile on his face, it says it all. Glad you guys enjoyed.