The other day
Alani and I went to toddler yoga story time, at the
cerntral library. She had such a blast, and looked so cute trying to do the child’s pose, stretching, dancing, and making friends. If you follow me on snapchat
(love.demitra), you got to see some of that.
When the class was done I wanted to take some pictures, but clearly she had other plans. Alani really thinks she’s my boss, she wants to direct where we go, when it’s to get up and leave; saying “lets goooo” (her new favorite), and it’s hard not to laugh, because she is just so funny (I know every parent thinks their kid is funny).
I’m really just loving this stage (minus the tantrums), because she’s becoming more and more independent, showing a lot of her personality, learning new things everyday, etc. and I really just want her to stay this small for a little while longer. I know the rest of my mommies can relate.
Thanks for stopping by, have a great week!!!
Day 8