This past Tuesday Lovedemitra hosted yet another successful Mommy Meet Up. We visited the New York Transit Museum. Alani and I have never been so it was a new experience for us to have with our friends. My friend Ayisha visits the museum ALL the time with her son Kai, because he absolutely loves trains and buses, so Kai thank ma for inspiring me to put this Meet Up together.When we arrived the staff were so helpful letting us know the list of activities to take place that evening. We started off with light snacks, then watched a puppet show, we then made our own ocean creature puppets, then took our creations to a puppet parade through the trains and platform.
The kids really had a blast, they love these mommy meet ups just as much as the parents do. I want to take the time to thank everyone who came our and supported❤
Check out our pictures below!
Kai LOVES the NY Transit Museum; Look at that face.
Wassup Gavin
Daddy Daughter Duo
Okay, so quick little story. Rodney and I go back to High school days. When his nephew Noah was born a couple of years ago he always reached out to me saying that his sister HAS to bring him to the Mommy Meet Ups. Kati (Rodney’s sister) has been to several Mommy Meet Ups, but couldn’t make this one. Rodney, got right into uncle duties and brought Noah himself; now how dope is that. Uncle Rodney to the rescue. When your siblings kid is your kid too!
Our puppets for the parade
Noah is so cool
I had to crop everyone out so you guys can focus on Zara and this pose!!! Ahh I love this girl, and her confidence so much. I have a special Zara and Lala post coming soon, something that I want to discuss in its entirety and needs an entire post for.
Thank You all for stopping by. Many more mommy meet ups to come!!!!