I just want to thank you all for all of your birthday wishes.
I truly appreciate them all
Mommy Diaries
I just came across this photo yesterday, and it just speaks so much volumes to me.
As most of you probably know, soccer was/is a family sport in my household, my father played soccer, and nothing was different for his children, however that’s not the reason this photo speaks volumes.
I had to be just about 4 years old in this picture, but I remember this day like yesterday. This day was registration day for AYSO, and this was also the day you chose the team you were going to play on.
This was about my 2nd or maybe 3rd time playing soccer on an actual team. I remember my parents alongside my Godfather looking at the teams that would best suit me, and I remember them picking this team.
When they asked me if I wanted to join that team I remember saying “No, it’s an all boys team, I’m the only girl”, (At this age I don’t believe I had any knowledge of race or thought that I was the only black person, but that a whole other story). I remember my dad and my Godfather telling me they thought that was the only competitive team for me, and that I was even better than most of the boys there.
I then remember being uneasy, and my mother telling me something to the effect of, I can do anything the boys could do, and probably even better than them, and that I should try it out first, and if I didn’t like it they’ll take me out. I ended up making the descision of staying on the team, and I also remember being better than most of the boys (not to toot my own horn, but I gotta ask my godfather for those videos for proof lol)
Anyways, when I looked at this picture yesterday all I could think of was my family was preparing me for the future. To never limit myself, because of gender or even race.
Looking back at my childhood, I really thought I could do anything, if my brother could do it, I thought I could too.
Those little lessons in childhood really come a longggg way, and sometimes you don’t really understand it until you’re 25yrs old.
All I can say is thank you, and make this a lesson for you too; to push your children, and never allow them to limit themselves.
Happy Monday
So here is the last of my pictures from Paris.
Paris, until we meet again. Next time it’ll be my little family and I.
How cute is this little bridge area.
Hey ladies. I cannot remember what building this was.
OMG this bakery we went to was amazing. That cake with the strawberries on it was everything. Also these cruquettes (not pictured) that Monique bought was delicious. The only bad thing is that they’re certain days for certain deserts, so when we were leaving we couldn’t bring our favorite deserts home.
Carousel near the Palace of Versailles.
Oh, and the Eiffel Tower, so sad we didn’t get a better view for pictures, but theres always next time.
Thanks for stopping by, until next time.