For a long time I wanted to start a blog I remember I started a Tumblr about 7 years ago, but I’m all about timing and it really wasn’t the right time to start blog, because my life really wasn’t that interesting, and there wasn’t much for me to blog about at the time.
However, once I had my daughter and I realized many people were asking me the same questions about motherhood, things I was using, relationship advice, and about places we visited with our daughter I knew the timing was right. Plus, I think my life became a little more interesting with this little one.
Upon starting my blog I made a vow to myself that the purpose of this blog would be to motivate other parents like myself (a young black mother). If there’s anything I want any of you to take back from this blog is to be the best parent you know how, work on being a better parent than you were yesterday. I also want you all to know that you can start exposing your children to culture, and activities, from a young age, don’t wait on the school system, because some of the best education comes from home, and start from now. I want US all to be able to inspire one another to parent our kids to be the best; better than we are, because they are our future.
My parenting goal is always to be a better mother than I was yesterday.
Also, Thank you to everyone who has been supporting of my blog thus far.